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Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь - ill


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  1. зло, вред to do ill —- причинить вред, плохо обойтись, поступить I can think no ill of him —- я не могу думать о нем плохо 2. несчастья, невзгоды, беды the ills of life —- жизненные невзгоды to suffer various ills —- страдать от всяческих бед; испытывать множество невзгод 3. отрицательные явления economic and social ills —- экономические и социальные трудности 4. болезнь, заболевание 5. уст. грех 6. больной, нездоровый to be ill —- быть больным, болеть, хворать; чувствовать недомогание; чувствовать тошноту he is ill with influenza —- он болен гриппом to fall ill —- заболеть to be taken ill of a fever —- болеть лихорадкой she is ill with anxiety —- ее мучает тревога 7. нехороший, плохой, дурной ill act —- плохой поступок ill choice —- неудачный выбор ill taste —- дурной вкус ill news —- плохие новости, дурные вести, недобрая вестьъ ill odour —- неприятный запах of ill repute —- пользующийся дурной славой ill success —- неудача, неуспех ill fortune —- несчастье, неудача ill habits —- дурные привычки ill omen —- дурное предзнаменование birds of ill omen —- предвестники беды in an ill temper —- в раздражении 8. злой, враждебный ill tongues —- злые языки 9. вредный ill effects —- пагубные последствия ill weed —- бот. злостный сорняк, бурьян Id: to do smb. an ill turn —- оказать кому-л. медвежью услугу,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. adj.  1) predic. больной, нездоровый - be ill - fall ill - be taken ill  2) comp. worse; superl. worstдурной, плохой - ill fame - ill success  3) (worse; worst) злой, враждебный; вредный, гибельный he had ill luck - ему не повезло as ill luck would have it - как назло  2. noun  1) зло, вред  2) pl. несчастья the ills of life - жизненные невзгоды, беды, несчастья  3. adv.  1) плохо, худо; дурно; неблагоприятно to take a thing ill - обидеться на что-л. - behave ill - ill at ease - go ill with  2) едва ли, с трудом I can ill afford it - я с трудом могу себе это позволить ILL office плохая услуга ILL at ease не по себе ILL breeding noun дурные манеры, невоспитанность, грубость ILL fame дурная слава ILL feeling неприязнь, предубеждение; враждебность ILL name плохая репутация; ILL nature плохой характер ILL neighboured имеющий дурное соседство; ILL success неудача ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. прил. 1) плохой, дурной 2) злой, враждебный - ill effects - ill luck - ill news 2. нареч. 1) плохо, худо, дурно 2) едва ли, с трудом - be ill provided with smth. - we can ill afford the expense ILL 1. прил. 1) общ. больной, нездоровый to fall ill — заболевать desperately gravely, seriously ill — тяжело больной mentally ill — психически душевно больной physically ill — физически больной Syn: sick See: illness 2) а) общ. плохой, дурной, нехороший ill luck fortune — неудача, несчастье ill success —неудача, неуспех ill name — плохая репутация, дурная слава ill news — плохие дурные вести б) общ. злой, враждебный ill will — недоброжелательность, неприязнь; злой умысел ill tongues — злые языки в) общ. вредный, пагубный ill effect — вредное воздействие влияние 2. нареч. 1) общ. плохо, худо, дурно; неблагоприятно to be ill provided with smth. — быть плохо обеспеченным чем-л. to behave ill — плохо себя вести to speak to think ill of smb. — плохо говорить думать о ком-л. ill-equipped — плохо оснащенный подготовленный 2) общ. едва ли, с трудом I can ill afford the expense. — Я с трудом могу позволить себе такие расходы. She is ill to please. — Ей трудно угодить. 3. сущ. 1) общ. зло, вред; что-л. плохое to do ill to smb. — причинить вред кому-л., плохо обойтись поступить с кем-л. It's done now, for good or ill. —Хорошо это или плохо, но дело сделано. 2) общ., мн....
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) вредно 2) вредный 3) плохо 4) плохой ill conditio sine qua non — плохая обусловленность - ill effect ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  сокр. от illustrated иллюстрированный ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  adj., adv., & n. --adj. 1 (usu. predic.; often foll. by with) out of health; sick (is ill; was taken ill with pneumonia; mentally ill people). 2 (of health) unsound, disordered. 3 wretched, unfavourable (ill fortune; ill luck). 4 harmful (ill effects). 5 hostile, unkind (ill feeling). 6 archaic morally bad. 7 faulty, unskilful (ill taste; ill management). 8 (of manners or conduct) improper. --adv. 1 badly, wrongly (ill-matched). 2 a imperfectly (ill-provided). b scarcely (can ill afford to do it). 3 unfavourably (it would have gone ill with them). --n. 1 injury, harm. 2 evil; the opposite of good. Phrases and idioms do an ill turn to harm (a person or a person's interests). ill-advised 1 acting foolishly or imprudently. 2 (of a plan etc.) not well formed or considered. ill-advisedly in a foolish or badly considered manner. ill-affected (foll. by towards) not well disposed. ill-assorted not well matched. ill at ease embarrassed, uneasy. ill-behaved see BEHAVE. ill blood bad feeling; animosity. ill-bred badly brought up; rude. ill breeding bad manners. ill-considered = ill-advised. ill-defined not clearly defined. ill-disposed 1 (often foll. by towards) unfavourably disposed. 2 disposed to evil; malevolent. ill-equipped (often foll. by to + infin.) not adequately equipped or qualified. ill fame see FAME. ill-fated destined to or bringing bad fortune. ill-favoured (US -favored) unattractive, displeasing, objectionable. ill feeling bad feeling; animosity. ill-founded (of an idea etc.) not well founded; baseless. ill-gotten gained by wicked or unlawful means. ill humour moroseness, irritability. ill-humoured bad-tempered. ill-judged unwise; badly considered. ill-mannered having bad manners; rude. ill nature churlishness, unkindness. ill-natured churlish, unkind. ill-naturedly churlishly. ill-omened attended by bad omens. ill-starred unlucky; destined to failure. ill success partial or complete failure. ill temper moroseness. ill-tempered morose, irritable. ill-timed done or occurring at an inappropriate time. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. adjective  (worse; worst)  Etymology: Middle English, from Old Norse ~r  Date: 12th century  1.  a. chiefly Scottish immoral, vicious  b. resulting from, accompanied by, or indicative of an evil or malevolent intention ~ deeds  c. attributing evil or an objectionable quality held an ~ opinion of his neighbors  2.  a. causing suffering or distress ~ weather  b. (comparative also ~er)  (1) not normal or sound ~ health  (2) not in good health; also nauseated  3.  a. not suited to circumstances or not to one's advantage ; unlucky an ~ omen  b. involving difficulty ; hard  4.  a. not meeting an accepted standard ~ manners  b. archaic notably unsk~ful or inefficient  5. unfriendly, hostile ~ feeling  II. adverb  (worse; worst)  Date: 13th century  1.  a. with displeasure or hostility  b. in a harsh manner  c. so as to reflect unfavorably spoke ~ of the neighbors  2. in a reprehensible manner  3. hardly, scarcely can ~ afford such extravagances  4.  a. in an unfortunate manner ; badly, unluckily ~ fares the land…where wealth accumulates, and men decay — Oliver Goldsmith  b. in a faulty, inefficient, insufficient, or unpleasant manner — often used in combination the methods used may be ~-adapted to the aims in view — R. M. Hutchins  III. noun  Date: 13th century  1. the reverse of good ; evil  2.  a. misfortune, distress  b.  (1) ailment, sickness  (2) something that disturbs or afflicts ; trouble economic and social ~s  3. something that reflects unfavorably spoke no ~ of him  IV. abbreviation ~ustrated; ~ustration; ~ustrator ILL  I. abbreviation ~inois  II. geographical name river 129 miles (208 kilometers) NE France flowing into the Rhine ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (ills) Frequency: The word is one of the 1500 most common words in English. 1. Someone who is ill is suffering from a disease or a health problem. In November 1941 Payne was seriously ill with pneumonia... ADJ: usu v-link ADJ • People who are ill in some way can be referred to as, for example, the mentally ill. I used to work with the mentally ill... N-PLURAL: the adv N 2. Difficulties and problems are sometimes referred to as ills. (FORMAL) His critics maintain that he’s responsible for many of Algeria’s ills. N-COUNT: usu pl, usu with supp 3. Ill is evil or harm. (LITERARY) They say they mean you no ill. N-UNCOUNT 4. Ill means the same as ‘badly’. (FORMAL) The company’s conservative instincts sit ill with competition. ADV: ADV with v 5. You can use ill in front of some nouns to indicate that you are referring to something harmful or unpleasant. (FORMAL) She had brought ill luck into her family... = bad ADJ: ADJ n 6. If you say that someone can ill afford to do something, or can ill afford something, you mean that they must prevent it from happening because it would be harmful or embarrassing to them. (FORMAL) It’s possible he won’t play but I can ill afford to lose him... PHRASE: PHR to-inf, PHR n 7. If you fall ill or are taken ill, you suddenly become ill. Shortly before Christmas, he was mysteriously taken ill... PHRASE: V inflects 8. to speak ill of someone: see speak ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 (not usually before noun especially BrE suffering from a disease or not feeling well; sick  (Bridget can't come - she's ill. | feel ill)  (I was feeling ill that day, and decided to stay at home. | be taken ill/fall ill (=become ill))  (She was suddenly taken ill at school. | seriously ill (=very ill))  (seriously ill in hospital | mentally ill (=with a disease of the mind) | terminally ill (=with an illness that you will die from))  (a hospice for the terminally ill | ill health)  (He had to resign due to ill health.)  (- see also illness, -see sick1) 2 BrE suffering from the effects of an injury  (The two policemen are still seriously ill with gunshot wounds.) 3 only before noun bad or harmful  (She seemed to have suffered no ill effects from her ordeal. | accusations of ill treatment by the police) 4 ill at ease nervous, uncomfortable, or embarrassed  (He always felt shy and ill at ease at parties.) 5 it's an ill wind (that blows nobody any good) spoken used to say that every problem brings an advantage for someone  (- see also ill feeling, ill will) ~2 adv 1 be ill treated/ill used etc to be treated badly, unpleasantly, or cruelly  (Most of our clients have been ill-treated as children.) 2 not well or not enough; badly  (She was ill prepared for the ordeal ahead. | "I see one third of a nation ill-housed, ill-clad, ill-nourished." (F.D. Roosevelt)) 3 can ill afford (to do) sth to be unable to do something without making the situation you are in very difficult  (I was wasting time I could ill afford to lose.) 4 think/speak ill of formal to think or say unpleasant things about someone  (She really believes you should never speak ill of the dead.) ~3 n 1 problems and difficulties  (Free-market economics was seen as the cure for all our ills.) 2 formal harm, evil, or bad luck  (She did not like Matthew but she would never wish him ill.) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  physiol. abbr. Illness st. & loc. abbr. Illinois funny abbr. Intense Love Lust adult abbr. I Love Loser educ. abbr. Interlibrary Loan educ. abbr. Inter Library Loan ...
English abbreviation dictionary
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - c.1150, from O.N. illr "ill, bad," sense of sickness is 15c., probably related to O.N. idiom "it is bad to me." Illness "disease, sickness" is from 1689. Slang sense of "very good, cool" is 1980s. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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